Academic Credit

All ISA Internship programs are academic in nature and intended for college students and recent graduates to gain international work experience and become career ready.

Three Options for Academic Credit

Transfer Credit from University of South Florida

ISA Internships has partnered with the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa to offer a U.S. transcript for all ISA Internship programs. Students will receive a transcript with a letter grade for an additional fee of $375. Students will be enrolled in an asynchronous online course that begins just prior to the start date of the internship. Credit will be awarded based on the successful completion of written academic assignments, total internship hours, and an evaluation from the host organization supervisor. A USF transcript will be sent to the student's home institution 2-3 months after the program end date.

Academic Credit Amounts:

  • 8 weeks: 4 credits, $375 (minimum of 25 hours per week)
  • 8 weeks: 6 credits, $375 (minimum of 32 hours per week)
  • 12 weeks: 6 credits, $375 (minimum of 25 hours per week)

Credit from Your Home Institution

Students may work with their home university to receive academic credit for their program.  Each academic institution has a unique policy for granting internship credit, thus students should inquire about receiving academic credit with their home university advisors, professors, and/or academic department heads.

Interns earning credit through their home institution will still have mid and final internship self-evaluations that are required to be completed through a meeting with their supervisor by ISA as part of their program.

Participate for the Experience

You are not required to earn academic credit, with the exception of our programs in Australia, where credit is required for the immigration visa. Therefore, if you have already graduated or simply do not need the credit, you can choose to participate for the experience (or in Australia you can enroll in ISA's school of record). You will still be asked to complete certain steps, and we encourage you to participate in the Career Readiness Course, in order to get the most out of the experience.